Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mint Chocolate Torte...

So yesterday I desperately wanted to bake and I wanted to bake something I don't usually bake. What came to mind?? A torte! A mint chocolate torte to be exact! Super easy and delicious! I didn't bake it quite long enough, but it still tastes good! The recipe called for 8 ounces of semisweet chocolate, but even I, chocolate fanatic, thought it was a bit too chocolatey! The recipe was very simple, just melt a stick of butter with the chocolate in a double boiler, whip cream, set that aside, whip three eggs and two tablespoons sugar, fold chocolate into egg mixture, then fold in the cream bake in a water bath at 325 for about 25 minutes and that should do it! That was the gist, but here's the link: 
