Sunday, August 18, 2013

Well Darn!

So brilliant little me decided to make raspberry scones today! Well, that turned out to be a terrible let down! First I added way too many raspberries and so I said to myself, "Okay no biggie, I'll just make a double batch!" Bad idea. My dough was too crumbly. I added more half and half. Bad again. Too runny. I added flour and more flour and more flour!!!!!! It was still too sticky!!!! So I just covered my now overworked dough in flour and made my little scone triangles. In the oven they go...5 minutes go by and I realize that I forgot to add the sugar on out of the oven they go and then after a quick cream and sugar coat back in they go! A whopping 35 minutes later I'm left with doughy, burnt bottom, scones. I hate the trial and error of baking! I'll get it next time!! 

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